Company History and Roots
Founded in 1996, Traction® Software, Inc. set out to eliminate the frustrating and costly inefficiencies in team communications and information management by creating a revolutionary web-based hypertext Journal. Traction TeamPage was first released in 1999 and, after commercial launch in July 2002, became the first blog and wiki product for enterprise use. TeamPage is used worldwide by major pharma, finance, manufacturing, healthcare and other enterprises, universities, and branches of the U.S. Government.
Traction draws heavily on pioneering techniques and visions from the work of Doug Engelbart, Ted Nelson, Andy van Dam, and Vannevar Bush. The Traction Journal was directly inspired by Doug Engelbart's 1992 paper Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware and Vannevar Bush's Memex concept from his 1945 Atlantic Monthly article, As We May Think. Engelbart's hypertext Journal (part of NLS for oN Line System) first demonstrated in 1968 served as a model and starting point for Traction TeamPage development.
On Twitter, follow @tractionteam for Traction Software updates, @roundtrip (Greg Lloyd) or the Traction-Software List of all Traction Software team members, customers and friends. See Explaining Twitter - One of Three Places for People on how Greg uses Twitter, Facebook and Traction TeamPage every day, and Where's Greg? for real-time Twitter updates.
For more on Traction Software roots, see:
- Traction Roots - Doug Engelbart
- The Evolution of Personal Knowledge Management
- October 2006 | Burton Group Report - Hypertext and Compound/Interactive Document Models
- Enterprise 2.0 - Letting hypertext out of its box
- Reinventing the Web
- Blog1114: As We May Work - Andy van Dam
- Greg Lloyd on "The Return of Interactive Hypermedia, or the Triumph of Ted Nelson" at Burton Group's Catalyst Europe Conference
Traction Software, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity employer.