12 July 2004 | Traction offers advanced Web logging
FCW gives Traction® TeamPage top ratings for Usability, Performance, and Security - Agency officials who specifically want to explore advanced Web-logging solutions that can securely serve the entire enterprise and business partners will want to add Traction Software Inc.'s Traction 3.1 enterprise Web logging solution to their short list... We had no trouble installing Traction 3.1 on several Linux-based servers, and within minutes, we were accessing the browser-based administrative interface... Once logged in, the software's power becomes evident immediately. It was easy to add content using a Web form, and we published content to both private and public projects. Published content can be read, edited, classified and erased by authorized users, all from the convenience of a Web browser... Agencies with dense information sets will find Traction 3.1's labeling and search capabilities first rate. by Maggie Biggs. » Read More