Traction® TeamPage™ and Communicator™ Features
This page includes a partial feature list up to and including Traction Release 3.7.
See press releases for Traction Release 3.6, Release 3.5, and Release 3.7
Organization, Permissions and Views
Traction tailors each user's experience depending on their permissions, skin, locale, and time zone preferences and delivers content by chronological or relvance order. The default layout offers customizable sections for each project.
- Home Page and Dashboards
- Page Sections
- Tags for categorization and social tagging
- Calendar Navigation
- Access Control and Security
- Dynamic, Permission Filtered Views
- Search
Content Creation and Management
Traction provides many facilities for posting and interacting with existing content. These features are designed to make it easy to interact with Traction while leveraging office desktop, browsing, and email habits.
- Publishing
- Editing
- Linking
- Attached Documents & WebDAV
- Share Folders & WebDAV
- Comments and Threaded Discussions
- Email Reply
- Widgets
- Audit Trail
- The Collector
Content Distribution and Export
Traction's full-featured distribution and export options allow you to access and distribute content the way you want to.
- E-mail Digest
- E-mail Out
- Trackback
- Product32
- Dynamic RSS and Atom Feeds
- Listeners and Notification
- Printing
- Export to Word or PDF
Authentication, Interoperability and Security
Traction works with existing systems and supports the security measures you expect of enterprise information systems.
Authentication: Use Traction's internal directory or hybrid authentication with LDAP and Active Directory.
Interoperability: Works with your existing infrastructure; leverage existing email systems, use interfaces that work with mobile devices and search engines, utilize third party interfaces.
Security: Supports cookie, realms, and X.509 certificate-based authentication out-of-the-box and supports https secure sockets (SSL/TLS). Secure mail protocols supported by Traction include SMTPS, IMAPS, POP3S and STARTTLS.
For further detail, see Traction TeamPage Technology.
Interfaces and Skins
Traction gives you full control of how your site is delivered using out-of-the box options or by creating your own customized displays.
- Skin (Interface) Options and Customization
- Custom Interfaces, Views and Forms
- The Traction SDK and SDL
The Traction platform offers many options for customizing Language, Localization and Time Zone Support. Traction can simultaneously deliver the interface in different locales and time zones, based on server default and user preference.
Installation, Administration and Support
Installating Traction is easy. You only need to install one piece of software and configuration is a breeze. See Installation and Administration and Customer Support.