Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute (IJIS)
The Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute (
deployed Traction TeamPage for their public website, working committee
extranet which includes over 400 members, and staff intranet.
IJIS was named to Business Week's Web Smart 50 for their Traction
deployment. Business Week put IJIS into the Pacesetter in Collaboration
category. Business Week reports:
The Project: This consortium of tech companies, which supports the Justice Dept., set up a series of blogs to share information among its 16 committees.
The Payoff: About 400 people working on 37 projects now collaborate virtually. One committee cut by half the number of phone and in-person meetings it holds.
Paul Wormelli, Executive Director, said "Traction’s solution enabled us
to meet all of our collaboration requirements by providing an easy,
faster way to notify members, access information and save time working
Read More from BusinessWeek (go to Slide 9).
Paul Wormelli described the deployment in his blog:
There are powerful features of enterprise class blogging software tools that go beyond Machrone's observations and begin to build the basic collaboration and information sharing capability that members of any particular community of interest seek. At the IJIS Institute, we adopted a secure enterprise blogging software package made by Traction Software which we use for multiple important purposes.
For more on the deployment read on:
- Press release and detail on the deployment
- SearchCIO coverage in April 2006 | Wikis and blogs transforming workflow
- Projects@Work Coverage in August 2006 | Blogging Your Project