Jan 2023 | Improved Microsoft AD and Azure directory lookup; Support for Azure AD profile pictures; Security update

... bug that caused literal HTML formatting markup to be ... dialog.• TeamPage's html.js SDL tag now ... Pattern Widgets" setting (custom_html_tokens) now presents options for all configured HTML TokenRenderers that have regex ... TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

Sep 2022 | Introducing Kanban; External User Directory Integration; Document view improvements; Security updates

... text, and never as HTML markup. Although in the ... entry, which can contain HTML, email subjects must be ... to be treated as HTML instead of plain text ... not to be properly HTML entity-encoded. This encoding ... TeamPage entries must be HTML.Follow TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

Dec 2021 | Improved External User Directory Integration; Developer improvements for Ordered Lists, Forms, and Widgets

... menu into the main "HTML" area of the page ... TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

Aug 2020 | Solr Search, Core Project Management, email digest generation, and incoming email processing improvements

... way that TeamPage generates HTML for inline references to ... TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

Mar 2019 | TeamPage release focuses on Performance, Quality Management, and Interactive Tables

... other capabilities to TeamPage HTML tables.Follow TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

How to create a simplified custom front page for TeamPage

December 13, 2018 · · Posted by Takashi Okutsu

... Class(es) to The HTML Body Tag plug-in ... class(es) to the HTML <body> tag.TeamPage has ... me to put any HTML code in an article ... Language). It looks like HTML and XML. You can ... on Twitter for TeamPage news from Japan!

Aug 2018 | TeamPage ISO 9001:2015 Solution adds integrated Risk and Improvement Project Management

... framework now supports an "html" pseudo-field type. This ... TractionTeam on Twitter for news.

Remembering Doug Engelbart, 30 January 1925 - 2 July 2013

July 4, 2013 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

14 Dec 2010 | TECH.ASCII.jp - プロジェクトの円滑な遂行をサポートする「TeamPage 5.1」 アプライドナレッジ、コラボレーションツールの新版を発表

Ada Lovelace Day | Fran Allen, IBM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award Winner

March 23, 2010 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

20 April 2010|ナレッジマネジメント フォーラム2010 に出展

Enterprise 2.0 Schism

November 9, 2009 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

... quoted in Medical World News, p. 45 (September 1 ...

Compliance and Enterprise 2.0 - For the right reasons

July 13, 2009 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

How 1.5 is Greater than 2.0

July 9, 2009 · · Posted by Jordan Frank

... trusted system. Non-traditional news sources and blogs that ...

April 2009 | Knowledge Management Forum Japan

Ada Lovelace Day | Professor Lee S. Sproull, Stern School, NYU

March 23, 2009 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

... Lovelace Day blog for news and special events, including ...

Wither Web 2.0 Social Networking? and My 2 Cents.

December 30, 2008 · · Posted by Jordan Frank

Monash University - the Understandascope

... 2006. With only basic html skills, Traction TeamPage enabled ... and rapidly update our news and discussion blogs. Inasmuch ...

What is a Blog? A Wiki?

February 27, 2007 · · Posted by Jordan Frank

... when Dave Winer (Scripting News) dueled with Michael Arrington ... conducted across blog entries, news articles, conference sessions and ... be viewed in an HTML browser. There's a ...


September 22, 2006 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

... A 'Flawless' Computer Makes News: an Error, New York ...

12 July 2004 | Traction offers advanced Web logging

Traction Software Internationalizes Enterprise Weblog Platform with Release 3.0

... and feel using only HTML editing tools. SDL is ... for the popular NewsGator news aggregator that runs within ... files) as well as HTML text. Automatically generated content ... Internet explorer, with automatic HTML cleanup, relative link conversion ... be kept abreast of news in the Enterprise Weblog ...

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